Reptilians reddit. Im sure the people who believe in reptoids in general believe it. Reptilians reddit

 Im sure the people who believe in reptoids in general believe itReptilians reddit  All ancient civilizations document this

That was pretty much the end of it. I realized it because I feel that all reptilians have narcissistic personality disorder or are psychopaths, because they are. If you're wondering how to spot a reptilian, then obviously, the first place to look is their eyes. The biologists video is the best place to start imo. Craft was 30 feet above my head clear view of the bottom of the craft and the nearest "light" that appeared to be like molten lava. 1. Snake/Lizard eyed Person. By proposing this question you could inadvertently cause social harm towards people with autism/asperger/AHDH. Members Online •. Philip Bump’s article, “How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U. Large fusions of intelligence plans and grand strategy for entire regions are developed. Reptilians are among them but are just one group. JJ Hurtak, Zecharia Sitchin, Chris Dunn, and others provide the keys to understanding the Great Pyramid's true purpose. I think the only more horrifying thing I could imagine meeting in an abduction besides a 7ft tall Grey alien would be a fucking. mechashiva17 • 12 yr. It will hold you back from awakening because you will be clinging to an illusion. . A very rare picture of a Reptilian - taken from the archives. To the point where the human mind will not allow itself to experience something which is not human It will experience animals. The fire place of the ancient times was not based on fire but rather was based on free energy technology according to this video. Business, Economics, and Finance. 2. You must understand the ways of the universe. no, they cannot sensor gifs, vids and jpegs because those are all over the internet. A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. 169. The idea of reptilians was popularised by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shapeshifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on. The Andrew Dawson (might need to check the name) guy who claimed in his TikTok the guy the guy in the hoodie who was sitting next to her “blinked funny. We do wear synthetic disguises (considering how some humans hygiene is, wearing their skin is asking for disease or worse, scale mites. While they do have the outward appearance of human bodies, the shape, texture and color, they do not have human physiology/biology/DNA. 373. The pure Reptilian blue blood linked are shit and piss siphoning bottom feeders doing the work of the Pyramidal Luciferous Ones/ The Beautiful Ones. Check out Cosmic Empress and her work with the different starseed soul groups. They emancipated the slave race. . "He claims that an inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings called the Archons (or Anunnaki) have hijacked the earth, and that a genetically modified human–Archon hybrid race of shape-shifting reptilians known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, the Illuminati, or the "elite", manipulate global events to help keep humans in constant fear. r/comicbookmovies. They are known for their cunning and their ability to maintain control through their mastery of finance, politics, and the media. Alex represents a different earlier breed of humans. The reptilians exist, but they are far from having the power that we believe, David icke, a master of disguise among them began to spread disinformation about them so that we believe that they are more powerful than they really are. It's one thing to see them in blurry freeze frames on YouTube, but completely unacceptable to witness one in real life. That's just a term used in pop science to describe animals like Dimetrodon which look superficially similar to reptiles but are not actually closely related to them. But I believe the loosh metaphor and David Icke are sort of the roots of. They are not always in control of how this shimmer, or hologram may come across to observers. I never saw the show. Draco = annunaki. 31K subscribers in the reptilians community. 8 The Scape Ore Lizard Man. One of them said that reptilians prefer to eat human kids. You humans can enjoy yourself I'm just going to be on the hill very far up watching the 💩 Hit The Fan. Mutwa also speaks of Reptilians but he is from a completely different background to a European in the 20th century. 368. This is not true. Oh yes. however, nowadays it’s kinda lost that implication unless you go deep in the modern theories. In order to join the official Reptilan club you must be able to tick the box in at least one box. You need to get away and arm yourself. They are monsters. “Gods” their leaders with human features but elongated skulls whose adversaries were serpent humanoids or reptilian humanoids as the evil in their societies. Created Oct 24, 2014. It’s why raising our collective vibrational frequency is key to ‘enlightenment’, or out of the grips of our reptilian overlords. Enlil married a Ciakahrr reptillian queen like kings in the middle ages married queens of other nations to increase their power and influence, so his son is a hybrid, but they all certainly are not reptillian. I realized it because I feel that all reptilians have narcissistic personality disorder or are psychopaths, because they are incapable of having empathy towards others, as they only have primitive reptilian brain, not mammalian. You can be infected and become reptilian too. Educated us after the deluge and left with a promise of return. Kinda spooky. Reptilians just look like the popular imagination of what dinosaurs might've evolved into, if convergent evolution to humanoids was for some reason inevitable. The lizard people are upon us. From the June 2020 issue: The prophecies of Q. Formless were they of another vibration, existing unseen by the children of earth-men. Reptilian damage control. Mind controlling bull shittt. This is also the loophole that allows a new ager to say they are not new age and. The closest you got are the Komodo dragon who evolved in an Island and even they wouldn't last in the continent considering the Megalania sent extinct in Australia. These are some faces I captured and placed all in one image. There are different soul groups that would resonate with "reptillian", but the most well-known are the Draconians. The word draconian also represents a tyrannical government, while reptilians refers to a global elite of politicians that aren't actually human. Observe their behavior. 📷 Billy Corgan talks to Howard Stern about his reptilian shapeshifting story. Reddit is where QAnon first went to attract a mass audience when it left the dark, unnavigable threads of 4chan, and Reddit is where it found a new group of people who. religion a reptilian's deception? why promote love then. The “mostly humanoid Federation of Worlds” corresponds with the “Galactic Federation of Worlds” that Dr. My curiosity varies. ago. See if their hologram flickers. Enjoy this experience while you are here, and learn wherever possible. A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. Sorry for what might be an ignorant question (pls bear with me. DominateDave • 1 yr. ago. . Beyond that, it's a bunch of conspiracy theory baloney. m are actually non-physical demons that in the spirit realm look like clowns, and need a human host, and mostly inhabit transgendered synthetic humans, cloned bodies known as “sleeves”. Ancient texts describe the inhabitants of this city as having a bifurcated tongue so they can speak two languages at once. They have just adapted to our civilization and can walk talk and act like us. 31K subscribers in the reptilians community. "Archons" is generally used as an umbrella term for all entities above us in the interdimensional food chain. 4. are head-to-toe in consistent and dull/neutral colours. Close Encounter with PHOENIX LIGHTS UFO March 13, 1997. You humans have fun fighting the war out with the reptilians I'm going on the other side I'm saying fuck creation and I'm. There is no evidence because they reside in 4th dimesnion frequency, their bodies vibrate at a higher frequency they are less dense, still physical but in 4 dimensions so they can see us we cant see them. But among the wider experiencer communities, reptilians are recognized as a category of alien alongside greys, pliedians, ect. Yeah, they're called demons and it's demonic possession, plain & simple. The best thing you can do is assume everyone is a reptilian and tread very carefully. They will never catch us we shapeshift!! Dumb humans. But haveing narcissistic atitudes" should definitely be their trade mark. season two, that’s how i know you’re reptilian. 3. I feel much complexity in me. So I think the reptilian mind is something that the elites decided to put out there to make us think that we all have that. Trust me, reptilians do not put their behaviors out there for. And I want to rest in peace literally sleep for the rest of eternity. Griefer17 • 7 hr. Here we can clearly see a terrifying Draco looking Reptilian form. 297. Ted Rice worked with Karla Turner who was a ufo researcher. These reptilians are protected and if you attack them, they can make someone interfere to stop you or they can make you break your ankle while you are trying to attack them. A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. 14K subscribers in the reptilians community. FYI the domain you linked is on a site. Yes. r/AliensAndUFOs. Also, since i know members of the Secret Government frequent reddit. Lots of mythology claims a savior came to them all over in every religion. A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. Lets assume the reptilians are real because life is more exciting/depressing that way. All ancient civilizations document this. But lately, I have been questioning myself about everything, including whether reptilians or other unhuman forces that influence this planet can be good-natured and sympathetic? For example, humans, for the large part, tends to be anthropocentric, which leads to them harming other species without batting an eye or questioning the morality of. preferably if there is cameras around. The reality is there are only evil alien beings. [WP] Lizard People were confirmed to exist with us today, but turns out they're not interested in controlling humanity. It was also speculated it could’ve been the Naga people. So they reach for the lazy conspiracy of reptilians. The reptilian aliens originated from Velociraptor DNA running a hybridization program to become humanoid and walk among us to influence society. Notably, there are two classes of Reptilian – full bloods and crossbreeds. 31K subscribers in the reptilians community. Because of the Mandela effect there are hundreds if not thousands of changes of languages all throughout the world The Mandela effect is a Quantum phenomenon. 2. And if you don't know what your looking for you will think it's coming from you. Yes, apparently some reptiles lived underground and survived the asteroid. They Live the movie was originally written with reptilians not "aliens". Average eye color is more blue than the yellow or orange people think. _Cool_Breeze1. Here is the weird thing: 1)I have never hallucinated on weed before. ) Average Reptilian height is actually about 6"1. Anunnaki - for the most part - mainly Enki and his team, cared deeply about the human race. Question what those "good reptilians" say. Need to watch it again to see all the references that go beyond dimensional shifting. Maybe your dad is an organic portal, but. Rosemary's Baby. I’ve dealt with this shit because I come from a hybrid family with a lot of “Royal” ancestry. We have similar species under our control to be pissed and crapped upon respectively. They are not actually related to our reptilians they just look reptilian. They take them to the caves and the reptilians rip them apart and eat them then the reptilians reproduce with other reptilians and their population goes up then the human. This physical life is temporary, and humans, grays, reptilians, and every other sort of life that may exist out there must ultimately return to the source. The frustrating part is other people not seeing it or misinterpreting it. 149 votes, 39 comments. Being possessed by fight-or-flight impulses and/or just a telluric hunger. Reptilian Eyes Exposed on CNN News Channel. Please Stop Searching For The Divine Reptilians. Whilst researching the Reptilians I was struck by how in 1969 others had gone under the earths crust during the filming of Journey to the centre of the earth -. . A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. Get your facts straight, and do your research before posting. And there are other mens that say that they were born in a lake of fire. S. Reflections on the Reptilian Elite Theory. Not to be confused with the BRIGHT and morning star that is referenced to Jesus. They were on platforms a few feet high, and were. Furthermore, while black is great at night or in dark rooms, it sticks out in the open against most backdrops, even when not moving. Recently, I completed some work to shine Light upon the Reptilian negative alien races, who are present on this earth plane, and who are behind Child Trafficking. The Reptilians are a major part of a group of Interdimensional Aliens known as The Archons. I was floating in this foreign place surrounded by a bubble. Reptilian Worship at Charlie Sheen Roast. - One being his "xray" machine or whatever his invention was found a bunch of elaborate tunnels under LA and the other when he spoke to a Hopi chief who said there was a legend of an underground people that were their ancestors. Let's keep in mind an important fact. Good and evil is all perspective based really. B: Have you perceived any kind of hierarchy amongst the reptilians and the human hybrids? You described the. According to Icke, there’s a hierarchy when it comes to the Reptilians. Reddit . Yup. I'd rather die on my two feet, then on my knees do what's right man, I know there's still good in you. Thus they physically are similar to us but can otherwise be revealed by. •. I’m newish to Reddit and see the phrase “reptilian” being applied to people. This role of. Users that conduct themselves in good faith on this sub may appeal to the mods to. DAN: The Reptilian Elite are a powerful, highly intelligent species of shape-shifting reptiles that have been manipulating humanity for their own purposes for thousands of years. The Bible says he is an angel of light or the morning star. Jesus is not a reptilian. It felt like I was out somewhere in space, where they lived. Too, The Reptilian Hater's !!! I would like to let you know, I have gotten a lot of negative feedback in this community, I don't think you very much realize this but this subreddit is not about being against the reptilian people It's about just the fact they exist That's all it's about If anything it's about the science of the reptilian people. The Ancient Serpent Race (Reptilians) in All "myths" around the World. Negative Aliens. Introduction For the last 10 years, I have been researching the nature of our reality, who or what controls our society from the shadows, and more importantly what actually happens when the physical body dies and the soul leaves. If you identify with most of these signs, it’s likely that you are one: 1. For those that don't know negative entities can put thoughts in your head. Yes! They are a joy to communicate with. I remember seeing a supposed picture of a reptilian shapeshifting, it was multiple blurry shots of a humanoid up close transitioning into something else. Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us. Reports of this message will be mostly ignored. Billy Corgan talks to Howard Stern about his reptilian shapeshifting story. Zoom in of UFO clip from german TV - This is on their official website, but it sure looks like some artifact. Again, nightmares. They both seem to go togther because reps are cold blooded" and have zero feelings unlike the humans. The link between the reptilian conspiracy theories and antisemitic canards is the idea that both Jews and reptilians “infiltrate” places of power with the. and homo species are rage driven entities. Many of them. A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. Why in the heck do they feel the need to have such a strange disclaimer?The Star Seed/Indigo Sanctuary of Lost Souls, Light Workers, Oracles, Seekers and Healers in Search of Guidance, Reassurance and Advice on fulfilling our Life's purpose on Earth. The reptilians are extremely misunderstood kind of like wild dogs They look at something violent they think it automatically Evil ! Cancer extremely violent reptiles are violent dogs are violent They're even Bird's, that are predatory. Another Reptilian. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. the mostly reptiloid UNIFIED RACES OF ORION or URO. When Carol turned 90, Alec went alone to her party. A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. Observe their behavior. 29K subscribers in the reptilians community. My neighbors are shapeshifters and I believe some are even in suits. You often hear about how New Age does not acknowledge the existence of negative things or beings. 13 votes, 13 comments. 48 votes, 19 comments. The eyes. "There are Grays(or perhaps reptilians) in the US government and they are trying to make Earth a suitable planet for themselves and their offspring--both in terms of climate, but also technologically. someone could have posted some damning evidence of jeff bezos taking off his human suit on the world's best camera, but certainly its none of the above because who really knows. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. ago. The white arms/head are heavily distinguishable from the pitch black body and the eye catches this easily. Claimed that One of the pastors of this church was harassing him and was reptilian. Draco = Dragon = Reptilian. Reptilians are using our user data to fortify their robots for their needs and their other dimension worlds they have come back to our world to uncover that the data has been breached by our warfare and effects to their data breach. ago. I feel like the shape shifting thing is demonic possession and that only people that are vibrating at a certain. But we’re good to talk about UAPs and other “simple” aliens. Here are the ones I found so far. This is just a projection of fear and will bring you nothing good. This also goes for gray aliens which originate from a giant praying mantis which people also see during DMT drug use. 3. Kinda like some people say Sasquatch and some say Bigfoot. **A community dedicated to discussing alien life. A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. ago. There are different soul groups that would resonate with "reptillian", but the most well-known are the Draconians. essentialmuse • 3 yr. Whenever we are faced with a coincidence, we choose a side. They are very easy to contact. ago. Reptilian man killed in my neighborhood. Jesus is 100% not a reptilian. The adrenochrome will also produce hallucinatory effects that mimic entheogen emotional valence multiplication. A passenger of this viral video is stating that this female believes she was sitting next to some sort of ”reptilian man” in a green hoodie on this plane. In 1973, two men went to the police claiming to have been abducted by robotic, carrot-headed beings with lobster claws. _Cool_Breeze1. Thisbisbthe Hulks half-son. It's foolish to claim that they don't exist, especially in a conspiracy sub. Alex Jones is a warm blooded mammal of a man, much like our early cave men ancestors. To their surprise the men kept talking about what happened and. One of their most revered myths was the story. Nikola Tesla, Dr. Reptiles don't and they're not so smart, so I don't think the reptilian brain could manifest as anything intelligent when it is inherently the part of you that is not intelligent. The Scape Ore Swamp sits in Bishopville, South Carolina —a small town of only a few thousand people. Reminder: Read the rules and understand the subreddit topic(s) listed in the sidebar before posting or commenting. Surveys reveal that there are at least 12 million. What my post is saying is that it’s counterproductive to harbor the negative belief that somehow Reptilian = Evil and all reptilians should die. This is not an issue to joke around with. It literally called "the REPTILIAN GAZE" I kid you not. As if humans could really understand a reptilian, any more than a cat could understand its master. The Skulls. Those evolved to be bipedal and carry eggs inside a womb until a later time. ago. 31K subscribers in the reptilians community. They’ve been programming humanity for a while to be more like them. They’re dumb but smarter when they turn a human into a host (drone). u/reptilian-theorist46: Avid conspiracy theorist. Gross. Best way to deal with them is look them at they eyes until they get nervous and change shape in public places. It's impossible to cover up something happening in front of that many people. There are more kinds, like vril, and probably other kinds that we are not aware of too. Also, ancient DNA intermixes over time. I am a Lightworker for Planetary Ascension. r/reptilians A chip A close button. It's foolish to claim that they don't exist, especially in a conspiracy sub. One of the more recent being the popular 80s TV series "V" which was about a carnivorous race of invading space reptilians who disguise themselves as humans. In Chiclayo, a city located in northwestern Peru, there is a statue that represents the God Morrop of the Mochica mythology, a reptilian also known as the Iguana Man. Number 4 is an unlucky number in Japan because it sounds like shi (死 – death). See if their hologram flickers. Here's a sneak peek of r/reptilians using the top posts of the year! #1: Donald Trump is a reptilian of the species known as The Orange #2: Think of the movie "they live" as literal. They engage in pedophilia, animal abuse, human sacrifice and other terrible practices and try to blame it on reptilians. I) when that happens we will all ascend & Mother Earth will ascend into 5D. The idea of reptilian beings secretly ruling has always been a hot topic of debate and, whether we believe it or not, it's interesting to ponder how such theories gain traction. Those were reptilians. Sadly, there is much that reddit will not allow me to speak about. She said that when she saw the guy, she immediately thought to herself “holy shit, that’s a reptilian shapeshifter. I have only just really deep dived into this reality recently. ago. • 27 days ago. Our timelines are Different. You're making up that reality in your head stop feeding your mental health that shit before you go into psychosis from all the fear/stress you're actually inducing in yourself from making up imaginary lies. Anunnaki - for the most part - mainly Enki and his team, cared deeply about the human race. I had a friend who referred to it as "the smirk" in an endearing wayThe Soffhir, or native reptilians that evolved from a few of the dinosaur species have two completely different eco systems in contrast to the Dracos; one is hydrogen based and the other oxygen. But what most these people on this chat are in the subreddit failed to understand, Is that reptiles don. The Pyramidal Luciferous Ones are actually the little green men masquerading as larger than life Darth Vader type. They are like "humans are so stupid. But the lake of fire will eventually destroy them all, judgment has been pronounced long ago. This dragon is probably where all the ancient dragon myths stem from. Tompkins states that although there are many ET species interacting with humanity right now, including Dracos/Reptilians which influence some groups and Nordics which influence other groups, that Reptilians basically control every government in the world. But they started harassing users and doxing. The other is a drawing - often a figure of power or a symbol that is central to the culture. Are gang-stalkers reptilians since the reptile brain can only process anger, jealousy, fight or flight reflex, sex, hunger, but not empathy? Wut Empathy and ethical conduct requires more advanced brain function. Satan's pictures show him with horns and tails (Reptilians have horns and tails)Hell of Satan is underground and satan and his demons are there to torture people. . They lived in harmony with nature and worshipped the gods of the earth, air, and sky. Once I reached the 6th center I saw someone, a reptile looking face showed up, right in front of my own face. Ahhh yes, the energetic vampires that Icke is always talking about. Here: Eight O'Clock in the Morning. The people making the stupid threads are one of the following - Humans trolling Reptilian demons trollingThe most compelling for me is the testimony of ex army operatives talking about the species of aliens and that the reptilians and grays would be farming us for different reasons. 36 upvotes · 18 comments. When you eat the flesh of men, it doesn't take long to realize that's an impossibility. Cheers. Fact checkers called this reptilian technique "Ellis Scanning". Trump was for the most part talked highly of by prominent politicians, media, and celebrities until he announced he was running for POTUS. Humans are silliest so you get farts. [7] [8] The idea of reptilians was popularised by David Icke, a. Also, I Guess to say fate and destiny. This subreddit is primarily for the discussion of extraterrestrial life, but since this topic is intertwined with UFOs/UAPs as well as other. These reptilians are protected and if you attack them, they can make someone interfere to stop you or they can make you break your ankle while you are trying to attack them. I met a reptilian woman before too in an exclusive hospital in NYC. Here's a sneak peek of r/reptilians using the top posts of the year! #1: Donald Trump is a reptilian of the species known as The Orange #2: Think of the movie "they live" as. If you don't know who or what I'm talking about I highly recommend checking it out! Damn near all the hosts from cnn are “aliens” or whatever tf u wanna call em. It owns them and they worship it. The Andrew Dawson (might need to check the name) guy who claimed in his TikTok the guy the guy in the hoodie who was sitting next to her “blinked funny. Even today, it shows that they are. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. ago. How to Spot a Reptilian in a World of Humanoids. Trip out. A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to reptilians. rektumsempra • 1 yr. My theory so far is the following. Look for Reptilian Eyes. We know that reptilians have their bases underground, so they live Underground. S. DON’T MENTION THE REPTILIANS Their tentacles stretch to all aspects of our daily life. Some are alleged to turn human. It’s probably their way of predictive programming for when they stop shapeshifting and just walk around butt naked. They even predicted the exact location Flight 11 would hit and the center core columns being sheared at a 45° degree angle before the attack to weaken the building. Their date is based in part on descriptions of now-extinct ice Age animals like Mastodon. Didn't some kind of CIA stuff get declassified talking about how they connect through the root Chakra or am I just talking nonsense😅😅. Nordics likewise seem like a self gratifying cosmic idealization, even deification of nordic, or "aryan" beauty standards. Thus they physically are similar to us but can otherwise be revealed by missing certain throwback traits. So, just recently I’ve started to learn our leaders may be working with the reptilians and/or Deep State players to further enslave us using Covid to bring in the NWO. They are known for their cunning and their ability to maintain control through their mastery of finance, politics, and the media. Anyone seen the new Mortal Kombat trailer? Dreamscape (1986). At Villa Straylight, to make a long story short, 2 AI's merge and become a super AI trying to contact an AI in Alpha Centauri. There are dragon statues all over the world, throughout the ages, in every ancient culture! Okay I try to explain it to you. 31K subscribers in the reptilians community. My luck was that my sister and my cousin were at home, they took me to the emergency room and I stayed there until morning. This dragon lives in their dimension and is about 5 times as large as them. She was gorgeous, she was dark, she was said to be a queen; but her eyes were bloodshot red with a big, thick, black slit down the middle. TIL some people don't believe reptilian humanoids are controlling the world. The lake of Fire, You do know that old myth said that the reptilians swim in a lake of fire. They were a proud and ancient species, with a rich culture and history stretching back thousands of years. specifically reptilians. . . Slaying by their arts the chiefs of the kingdoms. There are 19 key reptilian starseed traits and characteristics. Source: been there done that. Reptilians are offspring of Satan. Reptilians are an entirely different species (actually a demon) that eat humans, are very good at deceiving and and manipulating, and have the ability to appear human to us. They only interact with us via telepathy. They came and altered humans dna to make them a slave species. The reptilians are the ones who rule this plane and we are their lab rats so it makes sense that they pumped us with their reptilian tendencies. They are originally from the Lower Astral Dimension but were brought here by Portals created with Dark Magick Rituals. Join. [In seriousness, as funny and absurd as it seems, I want to point out that the reptilian shapeshifter conspiracy theory is a dangerous one: it is a veiled anti-Semetic conspiracy. The paintings were probably made around 11,800 to 12,600 years ago. And reptilian experiencers definitely make up a portion of the Consciousness is Key movement. Annuanki were also known as the Anak in the LoO material or Anakhim in the bible. Seeing as the Earth was home to dinosaurs way before we came along. I came across a speaker in a podcast who was talking about three different types of Reptilians and they can enter your mind while you sleep to create nightmares to feed their. Reptilians are perhaps not literal reptialians but descendants of a concurrent/overlapping evolution. Is it information that is practical, new, truly helpful in terms of escaping or taking down the matrix? Btw, we don't need any more reinterpretations of the bible by some entity. Reply. She's a very strong and brave female reptilian, Dispute Her Male Counterparts, That are Spineless Nutless Craven's ! She had The bravery, The absolute valor to come forth on. So, good reptilians!It sounds stupid to me, however it is based in some truth. Watch these videos leaked by Muslim insiders that show Muhammad was influenced and guided by the Reptilian aliens.